Archive for June, 2008

Working on Other Projects

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

I feel my skills in other departments have dwindled some since I began this mod using the TQ engine.  So I’ve been taking some time off to refresh my math and technical skills, maybe with a little review of Japanese.  It would be a shame for me to get rusty on any of these, being that’s what I studied during college.

That being said, I’m merely putting TQ FF on hold until I feel comfortable with my  knowledge level.

Also, since I intend to be a designer, I’m reviewing the big console titles that I’ve missed during my study over the past few years, analyzing every detail I can (afterall, I don’t want to just be “playing” these games).  I’m coding some game frameworks so I can make a few more small projects to add to my website and laying out a design document for an interesting game idea.  Lastly, I’m studying OpenGL programming, 3D modeling and reviewing my Calculus.

Hoo boy.  :)